Help us get clean water to people in Tanzania, Africa!

Deliverance Center has started a Bible School in Mungu Maji (moon-goo mah-jee), Tanzania. Currently, the only way to get water there for all of our needs is to collect rain water or to transport it in with a cart or truck.

We want to dig a well that will provide clean water for not only the needs of the school, but also for the community around it.

Watch this video to see how we currently get water for the Bible school!

YouTube Video about getting water


Clean water is something many people take for granted every day, and we don't even realize how difficult things would be if we didn't have it. We need water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, washing hands, laundry—and the list goes on. Having a well will cut down the chance of diseases like typhoid among the students and the community around us.


We want to plant more vegetables and fruit trees on the grounds so that the students can eat balanced meals without having to raise the tuition. The climate is hot, and the rainy seasons are not always predictable, so we will need a reliable source of water for irrigation.


We make all the blocks for the school buildings on location. This means that we need lots of water to mix the concrete.


There are many people in the community surrounding the school. These people are all facing the same issues that we are facing. If we dig a well, then we will be able to share water with them, bringing clean water to people who might otherwise never have it.